Saturday, 8 July 2023

Deadly Disinformation - The Lethal Climate Lie of Net Zero Carbon


Net Zero Carbon will destroy the planet. Not because it is better than doing nothing, but because we think it is enough. By thinking that it is worth striving for we don’t question the fundamentals.

It is like driving down the motorway in a borrowed car that has been rigged. We think that the accelerator and brake will allow us to control things in an emergency, but… When we take our foot off the accelerator the car carries on going at the same speed, and the brake does nothing. There is trouble ahead on this road and we can do nothing to avoid it. We will crash and die.

Net Zero Carbon is exactly the same. We are fooled into thinking that this difficult global objective is worth striving for because it is sufficient to save us. It won’t. Net Zero Carbon is the point where greenhouse gas emissions are balanced by sequestration. Emissions minus sequestration equals zero. Everything stops. But it stops at a new high level of overheating. If we are lucky that will be only +2°C, (the better +1.5°C is already lost). But that new elevated overheating stays. It is locked in. That is the accelerator pedal which keeps the car travelling just as fast. There are no brakes, so overheating still carries on trashing the planet. Ice melts, seas rise, storms, droughts and wildfires rage. And there is no way to put the demons back in the box.

Only Net Negative Carbon applies the brake. If more carbon is sequestered than emitted then greenhouse gas levels falls, as does overheating.

But everything I hear on the media only talks about Net Zero Carbon. That’s because Big Oil lobbyists have polluted the Paris Agreement and COPs as well as our atmosphere. The real science has been muzzled. And that will drive the planet we’ve borrowed to destruction.

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