Saturday, 5 November 2022

The Net Zero Carbon Fraud


COP27 is starting - but if we stick with the Net Zero Carbon confidence trick I need never plant another tree to sequester carbon – because it’s pointless.

Net Zero is only the peak of the CO2 hill. The point where we have maximum CO2 in the atmosphere, and shortly after, reach maximum temperature increase – unless we are unlucky and feedbacks take over. But what are the plans beyond Net Zero. COP26 etc don't go any further. In which case we keep the temperature increase reached at the top of the hill. There are no plans to remove extra carbon. In fact, if you read the text carefully, you see that fossil fuels keep on being produced and burnt at a rate that balances natural sequestration - plus all other sequestration efforts such as regenerative agriculture, tree planting etc. All that carbon capture effort just adds to the amount of fossil fuels that can be burnt - up to the balance of Net Zero. So in the end, the only gain is that we don't go beyond whatever high temperature increase is reached. And we just have to hope that feedbacks don't take off uncontrollably. What we should be demanding is that we come back down the other side of the hill and reduce atmospheric CO2 back to normal, along with reducing temperatures and extreme climate events. We need Net Negative Carbon, and I have a plan to do it.

So this is what the Paris Agreement is trying to achieve.

While China will only agree to this.

And what we should be demanding is this.

Only with this, or something similar, can we start to return temperatures to where they should be, and climate to what we need to prosper.


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