From: Big Oil CEO
To: Media Shaping Team
Climate Change
Strategy – Strictly Secret – NDA Required Before Reading
Our industry faces an existential threat. Our fossil fuel
extraction projects face being shut down or at least limited to a small
percentage of current output. This will have a serious impact on our profits and
so must be countered at all costs.
To investigate the impact on the world of burning increasing
levels of fossil fuels we have hired some of the top scientists, (all have
signed NDAs). The news is bad. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide and methane
will increase world average temperatures because of the greenhouse properties
of these gases. This will change the climate of the world to be more chaotic,
with longer and more frequent droughts, but also heavier infrequent rain
causing flooding.
The good news is that these changes will happen slowly, so
most people won’t notice. But eventually people will be so disturbed by the destruction
of their homes by wildfires and food shortages causing starvation that
politicians will be forced to act. Your task is to delay the inevitable
measures for as long as possible so that business can continue as usual.
Delay – The overall strategy is to delay and postpone
control measures: so we need to detail exactly what we most fear as an
effective plan and so must stop happening. The most effective way of countering
and reversing climate change will be to globally ration the extraction of
fossil fuels down to well below the level of carbon naturally sequestered by
absorption in oceans and land. The following steps will be followed to delay
this happening.
Denial – Following the example of the tobacco industry the
first obvious step is to deny that anything bad is happening. We have more
money than our opponents and can fund research to confirm that everything is
normal. The climate is easily confused with the weather by most people, and
weather is far more variable than the initial climate changes, so this is an
easy first step.
Doubt – The scientific evidence will grow that global
heating is happening and even linked to climate changing. But although people
think science is a certainty, our advisors tell us that there is always a level
of uncertainty. This can be played on to cast doubt. Small discrepancies can be
cherry-picked and used to cast doubt on all the science. We just need to shout
loudest. Hurricane frequency is a good example of where particular geographical
locations and time periods can be chosen to show nothing is changing.
Democracy – Politicians will be bought. Many have big fossil
fuel industries in their constituencies and will support keeping those jobs and
those votes without funding from us, but pay them anyway, to keep our options
open. Note here that coal constituencies are most vulnerable to us because coal
is the worst fossil fuel and the first to be rationed out of existence if we
fail. In the USA we are lucky that the system is so easily rigged. We have successfully
supported the candidates in primaries we prefer, which nearly always got them
selected and elected. Political influence will also give us lobbying power
which will enable us to shape even the personnel of the IPCC.
Duplicity – Don’t worry. No one cares about truth anymore.
Alternative facts are all the rage, and you will use them prolifically. Shower
the world with so many facts that no one will be able to tell truth from
fiction. Now that we have replaced the difficult scientists writing IPCC reports
with our own choices this is working well. AR5 contained dangerously available
and visible information. AR6 is far more opaque and cluttered so that only
specialists will see anything that might harm our cause. World leaders will be
kept well in the dark.
Diversion – There are so many ways that we will divert
attention, mostly covered below under disinformation, but the main thing is to
shift the attention away from fossil fuel companies and our products. This is
best done by concentrating on emissions. Since the greenhouse effect is caused
by emitted gases, it’s easy to focus attention on emissions and the emitters.
This nicely shifts the blame away from us suppliers to the consumers. Since
there are billions of consumers who mostly cause emissions indirectly by
everyday activities and purchases this will be an extremely effective strategy.
The probability of the majority of individuals feeling guilty enough to change
their purchasing choices to eliminate fossil fuels is vanishingly small and no
real threat. And anyway the production and supply chain for all products is so
scattered with fossil fuel use that individuals can’t have that choice. So
always talk about emissions, never extraction. The Paris Agreement is an
excellent example of this, where although greenhouse gases are mentioned there
is not a single mention of fossil fuel, coal, oil or gas.
Division – Exploit it. Encourage it. We are stronger than
the liberal greens because we have a united purpose – profit – and far more
money than them. They have multiple organisations competing against each other
for funding and supporters. Keep it that way, divided. Even encourage new
organisations and groups so as to increase their division. Nations should also
be kept divided. Nations naturally compete against each other and their
governments are only interested in national advantage. This made it easy for us
to ensure that every nation signing up to COP agreements decides their own
targets and timescales, and that they can easily be reversed. No country will
willingly let another gain economic advantage. This has been well exploited to
ensure that no country will cut fossil fuel consumption faster than their
competitors. Net Zero Carbon by 2060 for China has got many to question why their
target dates are sooner. I expect many to change to 2060.
Deception – Net Zero Carbon was well done. It sounds like
effective action but we know it means business as usual. We held off the danger
of Net Negative Carbon very well. The unattainable CCS technology being held up
as the Net Zero balancing force also plays into the general delay strategy.
Keep on the good work of hiding the knowledge that about half our emissions are
naturally sequestered. If that was well understood, and that Net Negative
Carbon was easily achievable, we would be in serious trouble and extreme NDA
sanctions will be applied to those who fail me.
Doomism – As things get worse and worse, as temperatures
keep on rising, as droughts become more frequent and prolonged, as wildfires
become more destructive, as floods become deeper and stronger, as food
production fails and millions starve, many will give up. We will encourage this,
since this sector of the population is no threat to us, and will even resist
those who think they can defeat us and reverse climate change by limiting
fossil fuels.
Disinformation – This is a very rich field of possibilities,
closely linked to Diversion above. Social media opens opportunities to spread
disinformation because there are very few checks. But even the conventional
media will publish disinformation. Not only will the media we have direct
influence over publish our version of information, media that might seem
hostile to us is run by journalists with no scientific background – they are
nearly innumerate. They are incapable of telling our misinformation from the
truth and so will publish it, if we disguise the source, enough for it to look legitimate.
While a satirical work of fiction, this also holds facts and well researched frauds. So how much is fiction?
can I reproduce in a Cornwall Council staff forum please?
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