Bonn Climate Change Conference
Truth, Lies and Catastrophe
Everybody lies: mostly to themselves.
The truth is out there, but it’s terrifying.
We all know that we are mortal and doomed to die. But every
day we hide that truth from ourselves in order to see tomorrow. This habit, of
hiding from tomorrow’s truth, is necessary for continued survival, but is now
killing our planet.
I was going to include a mass of hyperlinks and references
to the locations of where I’ve found the truth, but with the internet being
available to nearly everyone, that is not necessary. And anyway, verification
of truth is a necessary skill in the modern world. The internet is peppered
with truth and lies. Distinguishing between them is difficult: but if we are to
grow up and leave childhood’s “Trust Daddy” behind us, that’s a skill we must
I like life, and want to see as much of it as possible.
Intelligent life on our planet is unique in our galaxy. That’s the implication
of the Fermi paradox. It could continue for another billion years if James
Lovelock’s guesstimate is right. We are on a path that will eliminate all life
from this planet within a few hundred years, but we can change direction if we
look the truth of catastrophe squarely in the face.
How do I decide what’s true? Science helps me. As I write
this I’ve a trail camera taking video clips of everything that visits the
birdbath in my garden. I’ve been doing this every month for the past year and
recording every visit in a spreadsheet. This is data that tells me not just which
bird species visit but which just come for a drink and which actually bathe.
Why do I do this? Well, as well as being a long time birdwatcher, I’m trained
in using data scientifically.
People tend to think that science is fixed: full of facts
set in concrete. But the great thing about science is that it’s always
questioning old beliefs in order to find new truths.
Even great scientists like Einstein get things wrong. He
believed that the universe had always existed and so added a fudge factor to
his relativity equations to make it so. When the big bang beginning of the
universe was discovered he said this was the biggest mistake of his life.
James Hansen is known for his vital testimony about climate
change in 1988 and his activism for mitigating global warming. He is cited as
claiming that if carbon dioxide levels are reduced to 350 ppm climate change
will be stabilised. This would be returning levels to those of 1990. I checked
this out by looking at the history of ice melting in Greenland, Antarctica and
the Arctic. The graphs tell me that drastic melting started just before 1980,
when levels were about 340 ppm. The graphs also tell me that true stability
started breaking down after 1900 when levels rose from the pre-industrial
levels of 280 ppm to 300 ppm. So where do our current levels above 420 ppm
actually need to drop to? Who’s telling the truth?
Everywhere I look at climate change information I detect the
fell hand of fossil fuel lobbying manipulation. Even the terms climate change
and global warming have been chosen to seem unthreatening. Change could be good
or bad. Warming seems harmless, even desirable in the cold northern climes
where most decision makers live. If the more realistic terms of climate chaos
and global overheating had been used would we now be acting differently? Or
what if climate catastrophe and global burning were the terms in use? It is now
known that fossil fuel lobbying even determined the very name of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Our current hope of containing climate change is invested
solely in the Paris Agreement. We know that the driver of climate change is the
burning of fossil fuels. Search the text of the Paris Agreement and the
following words are missing; fossil, fuel, coal, oil and gas. The agreement
only targets emissions, never extraction: which is inefficient, being too late
in the process. No wonder there has been absolutely no change in the trend of
increasing carbon dioxide and overheating.
Net Zero Carbon by 2050 is the target set by the UK. This is
obviously the wrong target. If there is already too much carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, and it keeps on increasing, we need Net Negative Carbon – and
Denial, Distraction and Delay. Fossil fuel lobbyists have
mostly given up denying that burning fossil fuels is causing climate change.
But they are still doing what they can to delay the necessary changes that will
limit their carbon throughput. It seems that the current strategy is to
distract with misinformation and misdirection. Hence no mention of fossil fuels
in the Paris Agreement and a Net Zero Carbon target instead of the Net Negative
Carbon required. We also see schemes such as tree planting promoted, even
though they have no hope of sequestering enough carbon to offset fossil fuels.
Why do fossil fuel companies keep on lobbying for measures
that will destroy us? They are not necessarily evil or mad people bent on
destruction: they have no choice. Directors have to maximise short-term profits
and keep share prices high. When BP tried a Beyond Petroleum strategy of
switching investment away from exploration for new fossil fuel reserves to
investment in renewables the share price plummeted and they did a rapid U-turn.
They are trapped by market forces on this road to destruction.
Methane is another increasing greenhouse gas hitting the
headlines, but with misinformation about it being caused by cattle. At worst
about a quarter of methane emissions are caused by agriculture, a lot of which
is from cattle, but at least half of methane emissions are caused by fossil
fuel extraction, either directly or by leakage.
How bad will it get? The true answer is that nobody knows
for sure. The relationship between increasing carbon dioxide and increasing
heat is well known and predictable because it is a linear relationship. The
difficulty comes with trying to predict the effect of numerous feedbacks which
are not linear. As an example: increasing temperatures melt more arctic ice
which exposes more sea to warming, which melts more ice. This is an exponential
relationship like all feedbacks and so is difficult to predict. And the
elephant in the room that no one mentions is increasing atmospheric moisture
forming clouds. Clouds are by far the biggest greenhouse factor: without them
Earth would freeze solid, as would Venus. This is where the Venus effect
becomes important. In the early days of our solar system both Mars and Venus
were water worlds like Earth. Mars was too small to hold on to its atmosphere
and so froze. Venus developed so much cloud that the greenhouse effect boiled
all the water and has now created a lifeless planet with a surface temperature
hot enough to melt lead. This is the path we are on if we continue unconstrained
fossil fuel extraction: total extinction of all life on Earth and hence in our
I don’t want catastrophe to happen. I’ve been a
conservationist for ages. So how can we stop it happening? The obvious first
step is to limit fossil fuel extraction. If that isn’t done, then the only
other path to survival is geoengineering. Geoengineering is the desperation
last hope.
Aren’t we already limiting fossil fuel extraction by
limiting emissions? No, this is another lie. Fossil fuel extraction has
continued virtually unchanged, and so have emissions. It might seem a logical
thing concentrate on limiting emissions, and country by country, but it is
bound to fail because it is too little, too late in the process. There are too
many loopholes, such as exporting emissions to a different country. Only a
global solution can fix our global problem, and only by focussing on the
production of fossil fuels can we realistically control carbon. We’ve done it
before under the Montreal Protocol to phase out the manufacture of CFCs and so
we saved the ozone layer. That hole in the ozone layer is nearly mended
Do people check out facts to find the truth? Well I’ve
included a deliberate falsehood above. Can you spot it?
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